Digital Job Onboarding

The Erasmus+ project for youth's digital upskilling


  • Eirini Papageorgiou Ms.


Social impact, Innovation, Digital Upskilling, Job Onboarding, NEET, Youth, Unemployment, Employment, Education, Training


For many people, digital working became a reality, especially through on-the-job training during the pandemic. Students were home-schooled, and companies and offices operated in distance working. Digital skills became a key determinant in the employability of young people and dealing with these new digital job realities is assumed by potential employers. Millions of jobs requiring digital skills already exist and more will be created in the coming decade. The demand for digital skills in the workplace has never been greater. However, unemployed (young) people, school leavers in the transition to work, not embedded in a supportive institutional framework, widely missed this capacity-building opportunity. The target group is youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET), as well as other young people at risk of marginalization. This project aims to help job-seeking young people adapt to the “new normal” after COVID-19 by improving their digital skills.




How to Cite

Digital Job Onboarding: The Erasmus+ project for youth’s digital upskilling. (2023). DISCERN: International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 4(1), 44-55.